PROYECTO ERASMUS+ RETHINK PACKAGING AND FOOD. Nuestro Instituto participa durante esta semana en la movilidad del Proyecto en la ciudad alemana de Gescher, en la Gesamtschule Gescher, donde un grupo de diez alumnos y alumnas están trabajando por mejorar nuestro medio ambiente junto con sus compañeros y compañeras alemanes. Los alumnos españoles y alemanes y las alumnas españolas y alemanas trabajan conjuntamente para reducir los desperdicios de alimentos así como reducir los envases de los alimentos que llevan a sus Institutos y concienciar a la población en general.


ReFood – ¡Repensar los envases y los alimentos! Los verdaderos impulsores del proyecto fueron nuestros ESTUDIANTES. Los alumnos y las alumnas detectaron el siguiente problema: todos los días muchos envases y alimentos son desechados por todos en el Instituto. Los estudiantes se dieron cuenta de que esto no es muy SOSTENIBLE.
Los PERFILES de las DOS escuelas participantes son similares. Ambas escuelas ofrecen educación general y los mismos principios rectores, por ejemplo, inclusión, ECOLOGÍA, certificados, PARTICIPACIÓN en la escuela, CONCIENCIA DEMOCRÁTICA.
Además, nuestros estudiantes comparten un entorno socioeconómico de clase media. Los alumnos participantes tienen entre 16 y 18 años.
Asegurar un ambiente de trabajo cómodo en el que los estudiantes serán emparejados. Estos compañeros trabajarán juntos durante todo el proyecto.


ReFood – Rethink packaging and food! Do you want to know how it can be done? Take a look at our MOTIVATION, our PROFILE, our AIM, our APPROACH and the possible RESULTS of our project.

Our MOTIVATION behind the project were our STUDENTS. The students detected the following issue: Every day a lot of packaging and food is thrown away by everyone in school. The students worked out that this is not very SUSTAINABLE.

The PROFILES of the TWO participating schools are similar. Both schools provide a general education as well as the same guiding principles ( e.g. inclusion, ECOLOGY, certificates, PARTICIPATION in school, DEMOCRATIC AWARENESS)

Furthermore, our students share a middle class socio-economic background. The participating students are between 16 and 18 years old. To ensure a comfortable working atmosphere the students will be matched. These BUDDIES work together throughout the project.

As Germany and Spain have a deep economic relationship, especially with regard to the import/ export of agricultural products, it made sense for these two schools to work together on a project regarding food.

There are multiple AIMs and BENEFITs of the project. The main aim is to create and to promote the AWARENESS of RESOURCES, which means to consider how we can use resources more effectively. Since there are many aspects, the project focusses on PACKAGING and FOOD WASTE. The project aims at REDUCING the general WASTE so that the environment is less burdened.

Additionally, the students are encouraged to be an ACTIVE part of society.

Our APPROACH is divided into two parts, both with regard to the HANDLING OF WASTE IN SCHOOL.

Although the topic mentioned above involves mutually depending aspects, we decided to divide the project into two years, so that different students get the opportunity to work on two different aspects in detail. This way the students will not be overwhelmed by the complexity of the topic.

During the FIRST YEAR, the students are focussing on the HANDLING OF PACKAGING. During the SECOND YEAR, the WASTE OF FOOD will be analyzed.

One important pillar of our approach is the COOPERATION with local partners, e.g. a food bank. That way the students can refer to a role model for their practical realization of the strategies.

The conditions for the project are diverse in both countries and schools. To include these conditions, we follow a 5-STEP- METHOD. It combines a PERSONAL LEVEL (via E-Twinning) and a SCHOOL LEVEL (during short term activity):

  • Firstly, the students OBSERVE the habits regarding
  • Secondly, using strict criteria the participants ANALYZE the production of waste (Packaging/ Food)
  • Thirdly, starting from this the students DEVELOP trial-and-error strategies suitable for each
  • Fourthly, they APPLY these
  • Fifthly and last, the students EVALUATE and ADJUST the taken

The second short term activity (C2/C4) can benefit from the trial-and-error strategies developed in the first short term activity (C1/C3).

Since our project is based on two aspects (Packaging/ food waste), we follow the method twice.

The RESULTS of our project are easily measurable. After the application of our strategies, we hope to find a reduction of waste after the last step of our method (evaluation). This can be proven by simply weighing the amount of waste produced during one school day.

Apart from the apparent results, the project offers more PURPOSEs: The students are the most important part of society in the FUTURE. That is why we have to encourage them to be conscious about the future. That means, they are responsible and must be aware of their behavior. Through the young people society can be changed. Restrictively, the project can mainly influence on a local level.

A POTENTIAL of the project is the increase of local cooperations and partnerships.

Furthermore, the partner schools may establish a long-term work-shop about sustainability. It is desirable for the schools to stay in contact via E-Twinning to exchange their experiences